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3 posts tagged with "web"

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· 8 min read
Dominik Nowak

GitHub Actions is a mature and extremely popular CI/CD tool. It allows you to create workflows for software deployment, testing, building ... whatever. In GitHub Actions you build your workflows by using blocks automating common tasks called Actions.

One of those building blocks is now Husarnet Action! 🎉

Learn how you can leverage Husarnet Action in your workflow to deploy code to devices with no public IP like laptop, Raspberry Pi, some random VM sitting on your server or even to ESP32 microcontrollers. All by adding a few lines to your existing GitHub Actions yaml file.

Deploy Code To Edge Devices At Scale With Husarnet Action For GitHub Action

· 13 min read
Dominik Nowak

In one of the previous blog posts we presented how to configure a reverse proxy in NGINX to provide public access to services hosted by Husarnet connected devices.

Today I will share my notes on how to do something similar, but using a nice user interface provided by Nginx Proxy Manager and your own custom domain with SSL certificates.

By combining two open source projects: Husarnet & Nginx Proxy Manager you can create your own, self-hosted secure tunnel service for localhosts, similar to ngrok.

🚀 I will show you also how to deploy the service in seconds, with the Infrastructure as Code approach powered by Ansible and GitHub Actions.

Let's go!

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· 9 min read
Paweł Kozubal

Most of the content from this post was migrated to our Docker Platform tutorial. Content left here will be getting gradually more and more outdated.

In the recent blog posts we presented how to embed Husarnet VPN Client inside a Docker container. This solution is fine, however has a few drawbacks like:

  • you need to modify your existing containers
  • you need to install one instance of Husarnet Client for each of the containers you want to connect (and manage multiple hostnames)

To overcome those issues we introduced an official Husarnet Docker Image, that utilizes a sidecar Docker design pattern. You can run this container next to your existing containers to share the VPN network from a Husarnet Container to one or multiple other containers at once.

Husarnet Docker Contatainer VPN sidecar