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One post tagged with "discovery-server"

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· 13 min read
Dominik Nowak

DDS Router is a fresh solution by eProsima. It allows you to bridge different DDS networks with providing built-in ROS 2 topics filtering in the same time. You can define which ROS 2 topics from one remote host are visible in others. That's a powerful tool for challenges like creating secure fleets of robots or just specifying a ROS 2 interface for your ROS 2 robot for the outside world.

DDS Router and Husarnet fit perfectly, making it a great foundation for any ROS 2 project that needs to run on multiple devices operating both in the same LAN and over the Internet.

It is not an alternative to previously described Fast DDS Discovery Server but an additional building block that makes your ROS 2 network more secure, easy to maintain and easy to configure.

DDS Router for ROS 2 robot fleets