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Connecting ROS 2 Nodes with Husarnet

There are several ways to connect your ROS 2 nodes running on different hosts within a Husarnet group. Depending on the ROS distribution, preferred DDS implementation, and your system requirements, you can choose from the available options:

MethodEffort levelROS Distributions (LTS)ROS middleware (RMW)
Using the ROS_STATIC_PEERS env🌴easyROS 2 Jazzyrmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Using the ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER env🌴easyROS 2 Jazzyrmw_fastrtps_cpp
Using the FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE env🏜️mediumROS 2 Jazzy, ROS 2 Humble, ROS 2 Foxyrmw_fastrtps_cpp
Using the CYCLONEDDS_URI env🏜️mediumROS 2 Jazzy, ROS 2 Humble, ROS 2 Foxyrmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Using husarnet-dds utility🏜️mediumROS 2 Humblermw_fastrtps_cpp, rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Using husarnet/ros2router Docker image🏜️mediumROS 2 Jazzy, ROS 2 Humble, ROS 2 Foxyrmw_fastrtps_cpp, rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

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